Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010


kata-kata ini
tertuang dalam kisah
yang entah kemana kan bermuara
diselimuti tanya
yang entah kapan kan terjawab

begitu banyak bintang kerlingkan cahaya
tak satu pun teraih
semua semu
dan tak sampai ku dekati

duduk menatap langit jingga
bersama kicauan burung kian meredup
hingga sunyi meraih angan

senandung bergulir dalam redup cahaya
dan terang bergulir kelam

keindahan itu
gambaran kerinduan
yang terpendam
dan tak kan terungkap


semua pergi
di malam yan begitu sunyi
entak kemana angin membawa pergi
ku cari
namun tak ku temukan

mungkin waktu
tak menempatkan segala keindahan pada suatu detik

bahkan detak itu
sekejap menghilang
seiring pasir berbisik
tak lagi terdengar
dentuman itu
membentuk di setiap pijakan

apa yang akan dikatakan mentari di esok pagi
saat fajar menyingsing
dan aku masih terjaga
menunggu mimpi

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010


kau pergi
saat rindu ini menyesak
terhujam di dada
oleh raut wajahmu
begitu dalam
bahkan terlalu dalam

ciptakan keraguan
dan ketakutan

ku letakkan harap
tuk terbebas dari perih ini
agar ku tak lagi mengenal
bahkan kecap rasa itu kembali

anggur itu begitu pekat
ku cicipi lalu ku terbuai
dan terbangun
tanpa dirimu
tuk yakinkan aku
akan hari esok
kan terus bersinar

tak lagi ku meletakkan harap
tuk terbangun di hari esok
karena bayangmu
tak sanggup ku genggam
dan terus menghantui
dalam setiap nafas yang ku hirup


semua sekejap teringat
ketika namamu terucap
pada bibir manusia
kukecap pahit
dan ku tahan airmata
semua angan tentangmu
masih begitu segar

hati tercabik perih
rasa tak sanggup menahan
senandung itu tak lagi ku putar
tak lagi

namun ronamu
merdu suaramu
tak sanggup ku hapus begitu saja

semua begitu lekat
dan tak lekang oleh waktu
tak sanggup pudar
dan menghilang
dari ingatan
ya dari ingatan

kini kita brada ditempat yang berbeda
namun nafasmu hidup di sisi
benar2 tak kan pernah mati
hingga esok berhenti

mimpimu terus membara
seperti nyala api pada unggun

ku rasa begitu cepat
semua tak bersisa
hanya ada kisah yang tlah lalu
tentang kamu ,, dia ,, dan kita

ku nyanyikan nada2 itu
ketika bersamamu
dan mimpi itu seakan nyata

ku kan rindukan gelak tawa
dan celoteh manis itu
kau tak akan pernah terlupakan
wlau kau tlah jauh dari sisi

hingga waktu kan pertemukan kembali
rajut kisah bersama

Selasa, 13 Juli 2010


sometimes i prefer to pretend
pretending to be blind
coz i'm afraid with what i see

sometimes i prefer to deny
denying to be deaf
coz i don't hear with what i hear

i'm afraid to see the sun
when it shines so bright
but i can't see

i'm afraid to listen the song
when the ryhm played
but i can't hear

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010


what kinda feel is this ??
feel like green green grass
and red roses are bloom in the dry field
My thirst paid by this feel
run ..
fly ..
smile ..
laugh ..
deleting all the pain inside

like butterfly flies
dances like a ballerina in the air
that's beautiful butterfly is you
yes you !!
colored wings that coloring my life

i breath for you
i stay for you
i survive for you
and only you can illuminate my life
make my life to be a purposeful life

take my hand
and i'll bring you fly
to the wonderland

stay with me
till i can't breath again
till i loss of time to live
because i named all of this is LOVE


i hope this is just a fake life
then someday will fade away
here i live
in a cage
like a bird loss its freedom
feel the loneliness among the crowd
unfair !!
yes unfair !!
other fear to get close
so they go and leave me
alone !!
in this path i'm nothing
i don't have any way to get free
what all i can do is just
sit and wait for gone
rot eaten by the time
the only thing that remains just
story of loneliness
and memory of pain

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010


write some word to say
letters arrange to be one
completing sentences i type
fill in the blank
chapters by chapters
pages by pages
try to write more and more
over and over again
till i tired to type

but ....
time never goes asleep
awake and pass
and someday persue me
to done all of this
to salvage

then i finish to type
typing what life say to me
upon white papers
and with black ink
this file imortally live
couldn't be undo or redo
just flow by the wind blows

i should wait
till that someday comes
and the judges judge whole entire life
who have to go
and who have to stay

i'm ready to type
i'm ready to be a journalist
for this reallity
and entire human being

reality will reveal
and prove what life kind of
preparing human being for the time
the time could not predictable

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010


i jump to the lake
feel the cold inside
let my heart freeze by the time
let the memories pass away
make the future only a nightmare

till i dress up
fill in a new chapter
with some coloring ink
and ready to begin
then end

without doubt
and worried
just pass and pass
walk to the door
for the last destination


i fell down
i'm freakin out
don't you try to stop me ??
upside down to the deepest cliff
nobody hold up my hand
that time like the end of breath
beneath the destiny
that shade my self
this scar will be imortal in me
as a bestfriend
will always imprint on my body
have you ever heard i scream ??
felt this sorrow
have you ever seen i cry ??
felt i'm gonna die soon
always gimme this
kinda sweet of pain
i'm enjoyable
as long as i live
look at the grazzle clouds
reflect my soul

Never Asleep

i will never know
where this live goes to
when does seconds stop to beat ??
it's all a big mystery
can't be solve by a man

every night i sit
upon my bed
lift my hands and pray
wherever my life will disembogue
that was where my life would be anchored

i believe God never asleep

Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Have I ??

have i ever shown you this feeling ??
yes ,, this feeling
that always there inside my deepest heart

have i said words to reveal all this time ??
that sentences spin in my mind

have i given you some fabulous moment ??
that remind you of me

have i loved you the way you are ??
that way i'll have a perfect life

Beneath the Moonlight

i'm dancing
spinning around the floor
ensoul the rhythm
stars blink above
shining my dancing steps
beats permeate my mind
makes me fly over and over
galaxies were also dancing
through the night's voices
dance together
feel the music inside your soul
don't wait
just begin your steps on this dance floor
and the happiness comes to you
beneath the moonlight

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

canon 1000d

this is what GOD has gave to me ..


my happy face .. my happy time .. my happy moment .. my happy memories .. my HAPPINESS


L.O.V.E isn't only we live and stay in somebody's heart ..
it's about struggle and sacrifice ..
sometimes it's like kinda fairytale ..
sometimes it's like kinda nightmare ..
if you believe ,,
love will be you guardian ..
guarding you to the place filled in by millions smile ..
time never goes to sleep ..
every breath that we take ,,
bring us stories that will be memories ..


i sat on the grass when twilight comes ..
the burst of light coloring the empty spaces on the sky ..
like the road to heaven ..
I want to fly around the universe ..
feel life is perfect ..
without tears ,, fear ,, and pain ..
I want to live forever ..
will never die ..
I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU till the end of term ..
makes all of an eternity ..

my life is incomplete without you ..
you brought me smiles ..
that ever lost before ..

so i crossed my fingers from my both hands ..
and i pray ..
asking God to make this separate lives to be one ..

walking down through the billion stories ..
hand in hand ..
carve the eternity in love ..
and our names will graven on the angel's wing ..

we will be immortal ..
can not be separated ..
we're here ..
because of God's glory ..